As Nashville transitions to the long-term recovery stage, this blog will be less frequently updated. Please note that some links to other websites may have changed over the course of time. The email box will continue to be monitored.

Latest Update: 03/21/11 New Post on tax information and updated Tax Refunds and Credits Page.

UPDATE on One-Time Cash Payouts and Emergency Food Stamps

May 28 is the last day to register for One-Time Cash Payouts and Emergency Food Stamps for the following counties: Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Dyer, Bigson, Haywood, Hickman, Humphreys, Madison, Montgomery, Perry, Shelby, Sumner, and Tipton.

To qualify, your income must not exceed 130% of the Federal Poverty Level, and you must have already been registered with FEMA for disaster assistance.

Click here for information about the program.
Click here for information on the extended deadline.
Click here for the application.