As Nashville transitions to the long-term recovery stage, this blog will be less frequently updated. Please note that some links to other websites may have changed over the course of time. The email box will continue to be monitored.

Latest Update: 03/21/11 New Post on tax information and updated Tax Refunds and Credits Page.

Loans to Recover and Rebuild

In Presidentially-declared Federal Disaster Areas, a variety of low-interest loans are available for homeowners, business owners, and renters.

If your area is declared a Federal Disaster Area, the following loans may be available:

Small Business Administration Loans - Not Just for Business Owners

Homeowners can apply for a loan to repair or replace their home. You may be able to refinance existing liens on the property. Renters and homeowners can borrow money to replace clothing, furniture, cars, etc.

Business Disaster Loans

Non-profits and For-Profit Businesses of any size can qualify for loans of up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged real property, equipment, and inventory. Even if your business wasn't physically damaged, you may qualify for assistance due to the economic impact on your business. The Small Business Administration has set up an information center for flood victims at TSU's downtown Nashville campus. It is open from 8am-7pm Monday through Saturday.

Mortgage Insurance for Disaster Victims and Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance

Homeowners may qualify for assistance to buy new homes, rebuild damaged homes, convert property to other uses, or even rehabilitate property that has non-residential uses.

Learn more information about federal relief by clicking here.